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Writer's pictureARETSI

How turning open house visitors into clients in 5 steps

If you're new to the industry or just need a reminder, it always pays to refresh your memory on the need to follow up with prospects at open houses.

An open house helps you build excitement about an available home, meet multiple prospects and leave a positive impression on the seller. But it’s also an opportunity to let all those inquiring homebuyers know that you’re a great fit if they need an agent.

Implementing these tips can help you put your best foot forward while all that foot traffic passes through the home.

1. Create a strong first impression

A friendly welcome at the door of the open house is great for building relationships with interested viewers as they enter. A warm greeting can also break through the possible tension of a prospect walking into a stranger’s home.

During your introduction, provide a brief information sheet about the home to prospects, point out some highlights about the home, and let potential buyers view the home at their leisure.

Be friendly but not pushy.

2. Let them know you know this area

Place community information packets focusing on the local school system, regional attractions and events, and the area’s year-round weather conditions in highly visible spots around the home.

Also, obtain the number of homes that have sold around the community, and the average selling price of homes, and provide this information to prospects.

You want to let them know you are an expert in buying and selling in your local market.

3. Be remembered

Whether it’s a calendar, a note pad, a coffee mug or other useful items, provide your visitors with a giveaway that has your contact information front and center to help contribute to a lasting impression.

4. Get the answers you want and need

Once a prospect tours the home, take time to assess their place in the buying process. Ask questions like:

  • · Are you interested in this house?

  • · What do you like or dislike about it?

  • · What other properties are you looking at?

  • · Should we set a follow-up appointment?

Perhaps this home is not the one for them — but maybe another one you represent is.

If they’re lukewarm about the property, suggest other homes you represent. Once the prospect is interested, get their contact information so you can provide more information on properties that better fit.

Just be careful not to take too much time away from the client you are representing at the open house. Setting up a follow-up appointment is ideal.

5. Show calculated persistence

You can also follow up with attendees via a “drip campaign” of occasional emails with relevant real estate information. This practice keeps you top-of-mind as the prospect continues their home search.

According to research from The Ready Agent, 80 percent of sales are made between the fifth and 12th contact. You started the relationship with the prospect when you hosted the open house. As appropriate, maintain it with follow-up emails and phone calls.


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