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7 Things every agent should do as summer kicks off

Most agents have been driving hard this year, navigating both heavy competition and a changing (and sometimes challenging) market. Here are a few ideas to get the most from your summer season — and stay at the top of your game.

Summertime is in full spectacle, and it feels like the perfect time to kick back, relax and enjoy a little downtime, especially after the last few years. I’m all for it. Everyone needs an opportunity to recharge and rejuvenate.

Most agents I know have been driving hard this year, navigating both heavy competition and a changing (and sometimes challenging) market. Here are a few ideas to get the most from your summer season — and stay at the top of your game.

Slow down and take some time for you

What do you need to feel like you’ve got a chance to fuel up, recharge and feel rested? The adage that you can’t drink from an empty cup is truer today than it has ever been. Taking time for yourself is not only good for your mental well-being — it’s good for your business.

If you’ve been playing full out and maximizing your work hours in recent months, giving your mind and body a needed time out and rest will allow you to come back stronger, sharper, and more productive.

I love the 6 Reasons You Should Spend More Time Alone article I recently read by Psychologist Sherrie Bourg Carter. She dives into why you should remove the guilt usually associated with taking time for yourself and instead dive into the absolute benefits it conveys.

Make family time a priority

If you’re like a lot of agents right now your family may be wondering what you look like because you’ve been gone so much showing properties, writing deals, negotiating offers, and building a brand. Those are all awesome things, but, of course, so are your family members.

Carve out prioritized time just for them where you can be fully present in the moments and make some valuable memories. Your people need you, and you need them. Make it special.

Integrate time to learn

What’s on your summer reading list? Hopefully, there are at least a few fun things but also some items that might help you think more expansively, market a little differently, clear away some limited belief systems, or offer up new perspectives.

Or — all of the above. It feels like we’ve all been learning at the speed of light in recent years, trying to navigate all the changes in our lives. My team and I have often referred to it as “building an airplane while you’re flying it.”

It’s amazing what we can all do as human beings when we are forced to adapt and push past comfort zones in times of crisis — but it is always really awesome to learn at a much slower, thoughtful pace. The wonderful thing about living in the time we do is that we have resources and learning bases at our fingertips 24/7. This summer is a great time to take a few hours and tap into the ones that interest you most and will help you propel your business and life forward.

Have fun with client time

We’re big fans of what we call smile stops which are opportunities to stop by and visit with past clients with a small, unexpected gift of appreciation. It has been a win-win for our coaching members as a chance to reconnect with great clients, put a smile on their faces and create a touchpoint.

This will help them remember you well when they have a real estate question or referral.

Here’s a fun one to consider: Stop by with a tube of sunscreen and a note, “Got real estate questions or needs? I’ve got you covered. Wishing you a safe and happy summer.”

Review your business plan

“But Darryl, business plans are boring.” They don’t have to be, and they are also not, as most people think, something to create in January and forget for the rest of the year.

You should review your plan monthly, so you are never surprised about whether you are on or off track. Keep it simple with this easy one-page plan. This season marks the halfway point of the year. Now is the time to determine how full-out you need to play to realize your goals this year.

Lean into direct mail opportunities

Even if you’re taking some time off, your marketing shouldn’t be, and I have recently found that direct mail to your sphere and farm is the most effective and affordable tool. It’s a great way to stay top of mind and continuously remind people of your name and brand and that you are a real estate professional who’s ready to serve. (The epitome of self-promotion.)

Often you hear stories of agents upset when a friend or family member lists or sells with another agent. More often than not, this is because the agent has not stayed positioned as the agent to call. Stay in touch. Direct mail is a great way to do that.

Pick your prospecting priorities

If you’re taking much-needed time off — that means something’s got to give in terms of work hours. I like the phone for getting the most accomplished in the shortest amount of time. If you’ve only got three to four hours a week during your downtime that you want to devote to prospecting, the phone is the way to go.

I prefer FSBOs in this market for generating new business. I also love using this time to reconnect with past clients. A quick call to say hello, that you are thinking of them and want to wish them an incredible summer is a great way to start. It’s not a sales call, so it’s not intimidating or stressful. The whole goal is to build on your relationship.

If the subject of real estate comes up, feel free to let them know that all the market change has raised many questions for homeowners about the value of their property and that you are happy to give them a free report on their home’s worth. No pressure, no stress, just a connection.

I wish you a summer filled with great memories, a chance to recharge, and opportunities to continue to move your business forward with more ease.

By Darryl Davis

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