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Starting smarter: Making a winning first impression

Writer's picture: Miguelangel HumbriaMiguelangel Humbria

Whether you are launching your career or moving to a new brokerage, here are the strategies you need to start on the right foot.

Ya sea que sea un nuevo agente de bienes raíces o un agente experimentado que se muda a una nueva agencia de corretaje, las primeras impresiones, las primeras presentaciones y las primeras conversaciones pueden establecer el tono de sus relaciones y, en última instancia, su éxito, en su nueva oficina. Un artículo en The New York Times nos hizo pensar en formas de comenzar con fuerza en su nuevo corretaje y prepararse para el éxito.

Veremos estrategias de inicio inteligente para agentes principiantes y veteranos con consejos para el éxito financiero, de marketing y de construcción de relaciones. Incluso si no está en medio de un reinicio de carrera, aquí encontrará ideas para fortalecer su juego social y revitalizar su negocio.

New agent startup guide

When you’re a new agent, you have to create a balance between learning from more experienced agents and brokers and forging your path in your real estate career. Although you will no doubt have your ideas for how to run your business, you will want to take advantage of training and mentoring opportunities as they arise.

Here are some of the best ways to make sure you start on a firm foundation.

  • It’s natural to be nervous, but push yourself to get to know the people in your brokerage. Make an effort to learn names and other details about your colleagues. If someone suggests a lunch, coffee, or happy hour, say yes to connect and become part of the team.

  • One of the things you’ll find in real estate is that you can quickly become overwhelmed by the amount of record-keeping, bookkeeping, and operational management required. Build time into your day and week for organizational activities including document management, updating spreadsheets, and clearing your email inbox.

  • Once you’ve passed the state licensure test, you’ll soon realize you know very little about the actual nuts and bolts of practicing real estate. Ask about mentoring programs, co-listing with an experienced agent or broker, and other ways of cooperating on your first few transactions.

  • Start now scheduling time for training, and look for educational opportunities offered in your brokerage and your local association. Build your skills, start focusing on a niche, and make education a top priority from Day 1 to start strong.

Tips for getting started

If you’re just starting as a real estate agent, here is some of our best advice to help you launch your career more successfully.

Financial success

Looking to ensure that you are starting your real estate career on a sound financial footing? Check out our first-year timeline for rookie agents, and ensure that you develop the best habits and practices to create the foundation for your financial success. Learn how to master your money.

Don’t fall for the latest gadget or the newest sales pitch. Find out how to cut through the clutter to decide what you need to be successful as a new agent.

Marketing success

Starting without a huge SOI? Find out how this husband-and-wife duo did it when they moved to a new market without a network.

Social strategies

Learn how to keep moving forward — even when you hear the word “no” — with this guide to rejection-proofing your business.

Work-life balance

It’s tempting to fall into the trap of overwork when you’re first starting in real estate. Find out why the 24-7 grind is toxic and how it can undermine your productivity.

Experienced agent new brokerage guide

Moving from one brokerage to another can happen for any number of reasons. Maybe you’re looking for more support or a better commission split. Maybe the management style at your new brokerage is more in line with your way of working. Whatever the reason, you want to come in and work well with your new cohorts.

Here are some things to think about as you become part of a new team.

  • “The way we did it at my old brokerage … ” is a phrase that should never pass your lips. While you may find that some of your old ways of operating work well for you, constantly talking about what you used to do is a turnoff for your new colleagues and your new broker. Part of moving to a new brokerage can involve changing your process; get used to it.

  • You may have been the standout agent at your old brokerage. You won’t make any friends by coming in and throwing your weight around among your new colleagues. Be humble, interested, and friendly with your new colleagues — and let your results speak for themselves.

  • If you left your former brokerage over a personality conflict, don’t take that baggage into your new brokerage. Take an honest look at your behavior, and consider whether there are ways in which you could have handled the situation better to ensure you don’t make the same mistakes in your new professional setting.

  • Tips for making the switch

  • If you’re a veteran agent making the switch to a new brokerage, here are some ways to ensure you make this move successfully.

By Christy Murdock



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